Order Freewheelers kits – orders closed for 2020.
Kits back on sale through September 8.
Max, and Velocity jerseys, bib shorts are available in addition to cold weather gear. IF you order a MEN’S MAX jersey: size up one size.
- Follow the link provided here: https://order.hincapiecustom.
com/Freewheelers2020 - If this is your first time ordering with Hincapie Sportswear, click on “Create Your Account Now.”
- If you have ordered with us before, click the “Log On” icon in the top right corner of your screen.
- Shop and add any items to your cart that you would like to order.
- Once you have selected everything you would like to order, click on your cart then click “Continue.”
- Double check to make sure that your billing address is correct.
- ALL ORDERS will ship to Larry Hart to save on individual shipping. Freewheelers will distribute.
- Click “Continue” to proceed through the checkout process.