Meeting Minutes November 2017
Freewheeler meeting Monday 11/13/2017.
Spartanburg Herald-Journal’s community room.
Start time: 6:30 pm. First the Freewheelers Cycling Association meets (Mitchell), then the Freewheelers of Spartanburg (club) meets. Meetings ended at 8:15 pm.
Freewheelers of Spartanburg minutes:
Present: Karl Johnson, Charles Martino, Andrew Danfy, Dave Coggins, Katie Jordan, Paul Lefrancois, Ricky and Sherri Tutterow, Larry Richards, Linda Votey.
- Legislative delegation meeting from last Monday, 11/6 summary. Renee Pierce spoke, Senator Glenn Reese will work on legislation to increase penalties for distracted driving.
- Paul F:
- Discussed getting into driver’s education classes in more schools.
- Contact your local reps to know we are concerned about our concerns. The US senate wants to remove a bike commuter tax credit.
- Senator Corbin (mainly of Greenville) is a road block to bike legislation.
- Rail Trial got funds for its NFL Play 60 playground.
- Funds request from the FW:
- Andrew Danfy requested $1,000 for support of the Spinx Master’s race team. 4 of 6 live in Spartanburg, one in Gaffney, one in Greenville. Andrew wanted the money to go to clothing, entry fees, travel to Masters competition in Augusta Ga. $500.00 has been given in previous years. Discussion… we need more details on where the money would go. Agreed to $500.00 and if in January, their treasurer, Greg Morgan would come and give a more detailed breakdown, we could vote to give another $500.00
- PCC funds request by Paul Lefrancois, $500.00. We have given $1,000.00 the past few years, broken into two payments. Helps pay for a new staff member. Bike clubs contribute @10% of the PCC budget of $65,000 to $80,00 yearly. Voted in favor of $500.00 to the PCC.
- Kit design. Still not happy. Comments: Looks like PJ’s or Christmas wrapping paper. Want a standard color pallet to start with. Try Indigo blue?
- Charles Lee Center wants some bike education… more to come. Sammy Woodruff was not there this evening.
- Christmas Party: Jennifer volunteered her house. 12/4. BBQ from club. Cheri’s looking for a local charity.
- Michelin Challenge. Fundraiser for Laurens Police Department bicycle cops. 12/2 11:30 am start time. Michelin test track.
- Officer reports:
- Andrew, racing: $143.00 loss. Need to work on the date.
- Dave Coggins, safety: working on public relations, safe riding habits, new rider cards, go-pro cameras, the hi-viz logo sponsorship with Globalbike and Spinx, safe routes, and next safety ride on July 4th.
- Paul F, PCC: Road repairs, funding reports, there is an SCDOT meeting here in December. We are bad at being fit. We rank 41st with LAB. Going to teach some bicycle education in Chapman HS.
- Jennifer, membership: 234 members currently, 34 registered for next year so far.
- Ricky, VP: really want to make lights mandatory!